Characterized by there being many things which rarely use oils and fats and spice, the dairy products in comparison with a Western confectionery, and assumed grains such as the United States, the wheat, the beans such as an adzuki bean, the soybean, starches such as the arrowroot and sugar a main material There are many things becoming the element that bean jam to process beans in particular, and to cook is important
Generally, I assume that I combine it with green tea and am made, and not only it is got close as a daily tea cake cake, but also the relations with the tea ceremony are deep, too I am used for the presents in other various annual functions and congratulations or condolence
It is one of the characteristics that the ties with the four seasons are strong, and, with the good cake called the upper cake I make in particular full use of various manufacturing methods, and not only the taste but also visual beauty is expressed with a rich sense of the seasons.
The ancient Japanese lived mainly on rice, a foxtail millet, Japanese barnyard millet, and got protein by hunting or fishery, but; it is thought that take the wild nut and fruit, and ate it, and it is thought that, besides, feel hunger so that this is the beginning of cake as the snack that the fruit has been ever called "fruit. I ate as life, but and I gradually dried it for preservation and made a rice porridge-formed thing with the powder of the nut which pulled lye or rounded it and came to do a dumpling form, and the model of the modern dumpling and rice cake and the thing that it was came to be made at the start In the "Kojiki" "Chronicles of Japan, takes a turn for the Utopia of the agelessness and deathlessness for a life of the Emperor Suinin, and is written that took considered to be a fruit of Tachibana to go after the search of ten years, in this way fruitof the cake is said first,
In the days of the Emperor Suiko, I dispatched an envoy to the Sui Dynasty from the 600s, and the model of the Japanese confectionery was fixed by having begun interchange with Mainland China. For 704 years of the reign of the Emperor Monmu, of the cameleight kinds and the Tang cake of mochi kinds were brought from Tang in Japan by Mahito Awatano of the envoy to the Tang Dynasty There was the thing to fry it, and to make in oil in this, and this was the manufacturing method of the cake which there was not in previous Japan These cakes are respected for enshrined deity use and leave the form as God farewell gifts such as Atsuta-jingu Shrine and Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Yasaka-jinja Shrine even now. The manufacturing method of the rice cracker was informed it sugar and honey by Ganjin by the sea of the sky for 806 years of the early period of peace for 754 years of the Nara era