In today's video, we participated in gadgets and gizmos of plenty youtube collab! Created by the amazing sisters Toni and Mari from The SisketEars! A fun video to show of one of our collections and give lift some people's spirits during this hard time. We decided to show our whole ear collection! Enjoy!
Everyone who participated;
The SisketEars
Disney Mom of Two
Geeky Mama Bear
Jody and Lora Life
Geeking out with MellyMel
Perfectly Kat
Serena’s Sparkling Diary
Singer Family Adventures
Urban Lia LM
Watch our other videos;
Judy Hopps Box Swap:
Easter Funko Box Swap:
Taylor's March BBB:
Kaitlin's march BBB;
Marvel box swap:
getting to know us tag:
Disney sister box swap:
Have a Magical Day!
- Taylor and Kaitlin