Hello viewers, this video tells more about German nouns, their uses and the three definite articles. Der, Die, Das. What is the importance of German articles. How importance it is to know article or gender of each nouns. The three attributes of German nouns. Gender of Nouns, Cases and number. How to identify German masculin, feminine and neuter gender? Nouns are always written in Capital letter in sentence, no matter where it come in the sentence. Form of definite articles get changed according to case and nummer. How to form a basic sentence using the structure: Sub + Verb + ajective. The verb 'sein' a very small intro. of this verb.
Link of first video: here we can learn the pronunciation of German letters, Diphthong, Umlaut., Formal and informal conversation and small introduction :
German nouns,Nomen,Interesting facts about German nouns and articles,Der,Die,Das,Article,Definite Article,bestimmter article,three attributes of german nouns,tricks to remember nouns with articles,Level A1,Basic german,Gender,case,nummer,Der for masculine,die for feminine,das for neuter,sein,verb sein,nominative,akkusative,dative,adjective,