
Real Macro - Market Update Dec 16 2020 Bullish!

Real Macro - Market Update Dec 16 2020 Bullish! Founder of 'Real Macro Economic & Investing',
Founder of 'Naked Charting'

My mission is to identify actionable Technical SetUps employing best in class market analysis incorporating both macro views and technical analysis using Bare-knuckle Charting to derive a favorable risk/reward trade direction for our subscribers. We are independent and our analysis is unbiased and not influenced by assets under management. In other words: We have no conflicts of interest and we call it as we see it. Our process is all about analyzing market critical information, technical signals and identifying high probability trade set-ups across multiple asset classes, resulting in a unique market service not found anywhere else. My clients seek mentoring, different perspective to test their own market view/analysis, learn more about Macro Economics and the monetary system.



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Austrian Economics,Libertarian,Warren Mosler,Federal Reserve,Tea Party,Finance,Banking,Modern money,Investing,Stocks,Bonds,FOREX,retirement,401k,Micheal Hudson,Government,Debt,FED,Hyper Inflation,Peter Schiff,Ron Paul,Commodities,Gold,Silver,Bitcoin,CRYPTO,Trading,MMT,

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