
Consult Don't Sell

Consult Don't Sell I want to discuss how to talk to prospects. So many people go out and immediately want to give prospects every fact and figure about the product, compensation plan, company, etc. In my opinion, this strategy is jumping the gun.

In order to get someone who is focused on something else to potentially consider what you have, you first have to get them to open their mind a bit. I’ve hear about and used a lot of different techniques to achieve this over the years. The best way I’ve found, is to act like a consultant.

If you act like a consultant, instead of a sales person, you’re going to build more trust and have a better conversation. Consultants ask questions to try to figure out the situation, and a key strategy is to talk to people about entrepreneurship – not your product, compensation plan, or company. So, ask them, “Have you ever gone into business for yourself?” Their answer will affect how you go forward.

If they say, “No, I haven’t because they’ve never really had a desire,” then they may be employee minded. This is important to figure out up front because you don’t want to push an employee minded person to be an entrepreneur. Of course, you can always ask if they would be interested in becoming entrepreneurial minded, if you gave them a way to do it. They may still not be interested, and that’s fine.

They might answer your question with, “No, I haven’t because…” and they list the reasons why they didn’t go into business for themselves like they were too afraid, didn’t have the skills, or not enough money. Well, then you can offer them a solution. Network Marketing has the friendliest environment for a person with an entrepreneurial mindset who has the dream but doesn’t have the vehicle. We can offer them a way with very low risk, flexible time, and all of the business aspects taken care of for them.

The might answer with, “Yes, I have tried, and it was a disaster because I didn’t have enough money or time, the product wasn’t good, I didn’t have the skill, etc.” Again, you can offer them the same solutions through Network Marketing.

Or they might say, “Yes, I am a current business owner and it’s a disaster.” They feel like the business owns them, and they give you a list of challenges. Network Marketing can be their solution. We offer the ability to let someone else to the heavy lifting, the risk is low, and there are no employees, overhead, or personal guarantees. All of those challenges that come with a tradition small business are not present for a Network Marketer. You can offer them an easier path.

So, have this conversation about entrepreneurship with your prospects. No matter where it goes, you will have a solution for them, and have an easy entry to talk to them about your product, company, compensation plan, etc.

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MLM,Eric Worre,Network Marketing Pro,Consulting,Multi Level Marketing,

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