
Dr. Jim Amos' Dirty Dozen on Factitious Disorder and Malingering

Dr. Jim Amos' Dirty Dozen on Factitious Disorder and Malingering This is an educational video entitled The Dirty Dozen on Factitious Disorder and Malingering best viewed with the full presentation including slides with annotations on my blog site, The Practical Psychosomaticist at Feel free to visit my blog site, The DSM-5 and the book "Essentials of Psychiatric Diagnosis: Responding to the Challenge of DSM-5 by Dr. Allen Frances, MD have a lot to say about the somatoform disorders. The DSM-5 now has a new category called Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders into which Factitious Disorder has been subsumed. While the name Conversion Disorder is still in the DSM-5, in parentheses it's also called Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder. Dr. Frances says "This new category is ridiculously overinclusive...",
recommending it be used only when clearly necessary. My opinion is that the new DSM-5 category will not change the management recommendations from psychiatric consultants. The suggestions will still be to avoid invasive procedures, medications with the potential for toxicity and addiction, and specialist referrals unless the risk to benefit ratio is safe, favorable to the patient, and address an objectively demonstrable disease process. Notice: All videos that refer to my former blog The Practical Psychosomaticist or The Practical C-L Psychiatrist may have a link to it but I shut down the blog on June 1, 2018.

the practical psychosomaticist,Jim Amos,MD,factitious disorder,malingering,munchausen's syndrome,consultation,liaison,psychiatry,

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