
Task36 Proper Breaks added in which xp increases with item consumption

Task36 Proper Breaks added in which xp increases with item consumption I've added 3 Proper Break bars to the right side of the screen:
- ProperBeast (Chem items)
- ProperSound (Vinyl LP items)
- ProperMeatHead (Juicin items)

They all use the same prefab as the healthbar and each require the ManageBar.cs attached.

To increase these bars xp is required. This will come from battles but also from specific familytype item consumption (e.g chems increase ProperBeast meter).

The idea is that throughout the game you will obtain Propers from quests, shops, or battling propers. For example, you fight ThumbHead who is of the ProperBeast type. Beat him and he's yours to use in battles. Graham is of the ProperSound type and will probably likely be won over by completing all his shop quest.

Depending on the equipped proper their level will increase during battle or consumables. For example if you have ThumbHead equipped as your ProperBeast during a battle the xp will go to him and not other properBeasts.

So far Battles have not been implemented so the only way of raising the xp is through item consumption. Video shows chem and tune consumption.

Also to be implemented is the levels. Once bar maxs the level goes up one. At the moment its using the same ManageBar function as the health bar. This stops at 100. A new method will need to be added which raises proper level once maxxed out.

Also, the new item types will need to be modelled in Blender and moved across.


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