
Is it advisable to meditate when one is very stressed? I have no time to dedicate for Meditation.

Is it advisable to meditate when one is very stressed? I have no time to dedicate for Meditation. Stress accumulated over a period of time can be problematic to a person's health and lead to sickness. Mild Meditation could be practised to ward off stress.

If the environment is not very conducive for meditating, then the meditation itself will create stress. The idea/thought of meditating regularly itself can create troubles. So you have to find a balance with the life situation and your practice. One has to take out a peaceful time for Meditation. That's very important.

If you are not doing anything, you will get into a rut and continue running in the same plan. So you have to do something about it. You have to attempt practising. Simple practices needs to be done for at least 20-30mins.

Looking between the thoughts is a great way of meditating or using some small keys like sounds/mantras is also recommended. Repeat the mantra slowly and withdraw into the sound and then relax in silence for at least 20mins.

We generally create a lot of stress in our relationship with the society. Our attitude, our ways, our looks, our arrogance - All these create a stress in the society around. This in turn give more stress to us. So, it is very important for us to correct ourselves, become peaceful by meditating, so that the stress we give to the society will be lowered. Thereby the society will respond to you in a peaceful way.

With consistent practice and relaxation, your external circumstances will slowly change because you will not add much stress to the society and nature will arrange a conducive environment for you to go ahead with Meditation. There will come a time that you will see yourself constantly. You will see your mind all the time, when you become a full-time meditator.

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