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4 - The Hideous Face of Versace!
Gah! Look at this poor woman! What did she do to herself? Once a promisingly beautiful Italian fashion designer, Donatella Francesca Versace is the currently the vice president of the Versace Group, think insanely overpriced clothes, accessories and ridiculously frivolous real estate embankments and oh yeah, she doubles as Queen Koopa is the world of Mario and Luigi, I mean, am I the only one who sees a resemblance? Donatella has been compared to every movie monster you can name including Gollum from Lord of the Rings, to Freddie Cruger after the facial scars all the way to classic monsters like trolls and goblins. But she is really a very sick woman with a sad past. This addiction gone crazy over the edge has left her with permanently dyed orange skin, swollen distorted sunken in lips, hollowed blackened eyes and a startling skinny figure.
3 - The Bride of Frankenstein
Her actual name is Jocelyn Wildenstein, but she has many catcalls online including Catwoman, The 4 million dollar monster and The Bride of Wildenstein (get it, like bride of Frankenstein)! The Grimm fairy tale goes, (that as you can clearly see by this striking image from the 1970s) she was once a beautiful maiden who married a ridiculously rich New York City art dealer who whisked the young beauty away to his castle to live presumably happily ever after. But then, tragedy struck, an evil Russian witch disguised herself as a 21-year-old Russian model and upon viewing her husband's infidelity, the curse was cast. And so, as the legend tells, no matter how much money the maiden spends cutting up and stretching out her skin, adding toxic poisonous injections, purchasing plastic amenities and carving up her flesh, the once beautiful bride will always look ugly in her own reflection. Can true love break the witch's curse? Well, sadly, there is way too much botox in those puffy lips for any prince's kiss to get through. Guess this princess will remain forever trapped inside her cursed world of plastic.
2 - or Alive
Pete Burns is another tragic tale of a plastic surgery obsession going horribly too far. Pete was the frontman of iconic British pop band or Alive, their big breakthrough hit, and alas one-hit-wonder, was the catchy tune, You Spin Me Right Round Baby (Like A Record). Pete Burns has admitted that the melody may have gathered notoriety due to the number being a combination of two other already popular hits, Little Nell's See You Round Like A Record and the musical stylings from I Wanted Your Love by Luther Vandross. After a dismal failure to produce any more hit songs, the band disbanded and Pete appeared to take the fall from stardom hard as he completely went into hiding only to re-emerge several years later on the British reality tv show circuit as a woman. Let me state, I support transgendered individuals in doing whatever makes them happy in their own skin, but an addiction is an addiction and obsession is a dangerous game. Way too many facial and lip injections, cheek implants, nose re-shapings, it's not certain, but the pop diva died at the premature age of 57 after cardiac arrest. Could a ll those surgeries performed on his flesh and plastic adorning his frail frame have been partially to blame?
1 - Swedish Bombshell Barbie
And now for the Coup De Grace! Her name is Pixee Fox, she's a 26-year-old aspiring model from Sweden and she once looked like this, and like her birth name, Pixee is a fan of alterations, after 84,000 euros and 17 plastic strewn surgeries, Behold I give you, Swedish Bombshell Gone way too far Barbie! Let's run down this bizarre path to self Barbie destruction, shall we? The most startling procedure has to be that teeny tiny waist of hers, in order to achieve her 14-inch waist, it's a miracle she can even walk without toppling over, Pixee had six ribs removed. Four nose jobs, two rounds of liposuction, a Brazilian Butt lift, I don't even want to know, injectable fillers stuffed into her lips and cheeks and a labiaplasty, don't ask, just don't. The Swede also went from an A cup bra size to a J cup, after four breast augmentation surgeries, though Pixee prefers the term enhancement surgeries, I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Can we see that before shot again? And now the updated...thank you. Point hopefully well portrayed, please impressionable young girls watching, realise that the way you look is beautiful, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and besides, true beauty lies on the inside, not in plastic injections. Just my humble opinion, to each their own, but healthwise, this can not be good for you or your skin or your poor organs and bones. Doesn't running become more difficult and painful without ribs? And come on now, a size J, girl your back has got to hurt!