
BASHAR 2021 I Elements of Excitement

BASHAR 2021 I Elements of Excitement Bashar (channelled by Darryl Anka) offers a quick refresher course on the veritable toolkit for life, "The 11 Elements of Excitement".

If you've been confused by Bashar's description of "The 11 Elements of Excitement," you're not alone. I persevered to sort out what the 11 are and have summarized them here.

When Bashar gets talking about all 11 elements it can turn into a general discussion about excitement and it's tricky to keep count. I listened to several transmissions repeatedly and I'm finally confident I've got it. It seems evident that we humans have had some resistance to receiving this information clearly.

Each of the 11 elements is worth exploring through your own life experiences. I recommend coming to understand each one deeply.

There's a 3 part formula, 7 tools, and 1 underlying principle, which adds up to 11 in total. [Edit July 11th 2020: Bashar recently added a 4th step to the formula. It addresses a core concept many people were missing. Next Saturday he's recapping these 11 elements so it will be interesting let's them add up to 12 or modifies them to stay at 11.]

The 3 Part [now 4 part] Formula

1. Act on your highest excitement (among whatever options are actually available to you at that moment)...

2. To best of your ability (commit fully to that path and see it through until you either can't go any further or you honestly feel your excitement is guiding you to change course)...

3. With zero insistence on the outcome! (This is crucial! Insisting your actions lead to specific results can blow up in your face in unlimited ways. You have to drum up the courage to act on your excitement and simply discover what happens next).

4. Define the outcome as a positive one, no matter what happens. (In other words, appreciate the outcome, trust completely in yourself and your excitement instead of judging anything as a mistake, and recognize the outcome as truly being what you needed, because it always will be.)

OK, simple formula but people have a helluva time actually doing this. Just do your best and keep at it.

Over time, you'll prove to yourself through life experience that following your excitement works. The more you use the formula, the more noticeable it will be that acting on your excitement serves you in 7 powerful ways (the 7 tools, which I'll list in a moment). Knowing the 7 tools will help you recognize them as they arise, make use of them, and reinforce your trust that the formula really does bring you the results you need.

So here they are -the 7 Tools that the formula provides:

1. Excitement is the Driving Engine (it motivates you)

2. Excitement is the Organizing Principle that brings "positive synchronicity" (meaning things fall into place for you, eg. being at the right place at the right time, or meeting just the right people, etc.)

3. Excitement is the Organizing Principle that brings "negative synchronicity" (meaning if you can’t do it, you don’t need to! It's a terrific blessing to have doors closed off to you that you thought you needed but don't).

4. Excitement is the Path of Least Resistance. (You can surrender to the flow created by your truest self -your signature frequency, your true essence. Just remember part 3 of the formula and the saying "insistence is resistance.")

5. Excitement Brings Any and All Forms of Abundance that you actually need. (Abundance isn't just money. It may be a form of trade, a gift, a synchronicity, or an idea/inspiration -those are the 5 most common forms of abundance on our planet).

6. Excitement is the Complete Kit (it brings all that’s relevant to you at that moment, including expressions/forms of your passion/true authentic self. It leaves nothing out!).

7. Excitement is the Reflective Mirror you need. (Self awareness is crucial for our growth and success. The mirror reveals anything out of alignment with your signature frequency –meaning it will bring any relevant negative beliefs to light and although you might not like how this manifests, you can at least choose to change so that you never manifest such a thing ever again).

Using the 3 part (now 4 part) formula and 7 Tools brings you to gradually realize the one (super powerful) Underlying Principle of Excitement (what was the 11th element and is now the 12th).

The Final Element: There is NO other reasonable choice but to act on your excitement! Once you really see that the formula works, you will do nothing else BUT act on joy.


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bashar 2020,bashar channeling,bashar,darryl anka,bashar toolkit,bashar EXCITEMENT,bashar anka,

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