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Special thanks go to these amazing people:
Agent's public mods can be found in the link below:
Mad Genexixs
Other modders decided to remain annonymous.
Please respect these people and don't bother asking them for private mods.
Music Used:
00:13 - 02:35 Endless Possibilities - August Wilhelmsson
02:35 - 04:17 The Dominion - Bonnie Grace
04:17 - 06:26 They Came From The Sky - August Wilhelmsson
06:26 - 07:31 A Hero's Vendetta - Grant Newman
07:31 - 07:54 Dark Suspicions 2 - Fredrik Thalberg
07:54 - 10:52 Infiltrator - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
10:52 - 13:33 Stealth (Dying Light Soundtrack)
13:33 - 16:18 Swag Rider - Wave Saver
Intro/Outro song: Saulės Kliošas - Įkvėpk ir Nepaleisk (Big thanks to the singer Juste for letting me use this song in my videos)
Link to song:
Link to Saulės Kliošas Channel: