I find that this topic is a touchy one around the YouTube and social media space. And in our "everyone gets a trophy" world, the discussion surrounding hypergamy and social-climbing seems to be a life that many women strive for.
I mean, who can blame them? A woman's nature IS hypergamous. In the Darwin world of survival of the fittest, that's how we are wired.
But what I find more interesting is this notion that ONLY a high earning six-figure man will do for most women in that space. We're talking men earning upwards of $250,000 a year or more. Many come to Kevin's channels to say exactly that loud and clear.
Interestingly, some of the women, like the one in this video, are making a killing themselves. She admits to being a six-figure earner herself, having made upwards of $100,000 a year for the last 3 years. And, she wants that HIGH-EARNING man. So she's come to Kevin to ask "Where can I find one?".
But here's the problem...
In our wonderful YouTube space, many level-up and hypergamy female content creators are selling their viewers dreams. "The grass is always greener" type of fantasy expectations, while not being FULLY honest with their viewer base about what it takes to get that kind of man, and what THAT kind of very specific man looks for in a woman.
If they did... They'd lose subscribers.
So it comes down to this...
Is it possible for the AVERAGE WOMAN to pull a high-earning man. Particularly if she doesn't wish to compete for his attention with the throngs of other women who are cutthroat enough to do it?
Should most women lower their EXPECTATIONS and realize that the "standards' they have in place aren't standards at all? Should they start dating and choosing men based on where THEY realistically stand in the dating pool?
Or will they simply die alone?
Let's talk about it.
#hypergamy #kevinsamuels #highvaluewoman
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