Il peut être difficile de donner des médicaments aux enfants et particulièrement aux bébés. Cette vidéo vous offre des conseils utiles pour vous faciliter la tâche.
This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation.
Cette vidéo sert à donner des renseignements généraux seulement. Elle ne remplace pas le diagnostic ou les conseils médicaux d'un professionnel de la santé qui a examiné votre enfant et comprend ses besoins uniques. Veuillez consulter votre médecin pour vérifier si le contenu convient à votre situation.
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How to give liquid medicine at home.
Giving medicine to children, especially to babies, can be tricky. They may resist it, refuse it or spit it up once you get it into them. Here are some tips to make things easier.
Babies are more likely to take their medicine when they're hungry, so give it to them before you feed them. They're also less likely to spit it up that way.
We recommend, unless you have to, you don't mix medicine with food or drinks. Mixing it makes it harder to know if the full dose has been taken.
If that's the only way your child will take the medicine, check with your pharmacist first, because certain foods, like yoghurt or applesauce, can stop the medication from working and others, like honey or syrup, work only if your child is not on a restricted diet.
If you do use food or drink, use a very small amount, like this, so that the child will finish it all.
Now, let's go over how to prepare the medicine.
First, measure the dose with the spoon or syringe you got from the pharmacy. Now give the medicine to your child in small amounts and watch for them to swallow before you give them more.
If you're using a syringe, try putting the medicine inside their cheek pouch. That will prevent them from gagging.
If you're still having trouble, try giving your baby a popsicle or a freezie before giving them medicine. The sweet taste, and slight numbing sensation will "help the medicine go down".
When giving medicine to any child, it's important that you double check the amount and the dose with the instructions that are written on the bottle.
If you use a log or a medicine diary, that can help to prevent either giving too many doses, or missing some doses.
If your child still can't swallow the medicine or keep it down, or if they're showing any side effects, get in touch with your doctor or pharmacist. Some oral medicines can be made to be given in other ways. Talk with your pharmacist about this to see if it's possible.
- Give medicine according to instructions (Remember to give medicine to your child according to the instructions.)
- Check about mixing foods or other medicines (Ask your pharmacist about foods or other medicines that may stop it from working properly.)
- Check dosing amounts (If you have any concerns about the amount of medicine, or if your child is refusing to take it, speak with your pharmacist.)
Key points:
• Give medicine to your child before meals
• Administer small amounts
• Put it in their cheek pouch, rather than the back of their throat