The Biggest Bench Press Mistake that EVERYONE makes. If you want to get stronger, add size to your chest, improve your bench press numbers, and protect your shoulders - this will help you. Even if you’re not bench pressing, this same mistake applies to Dumbbell Press, Incline Press, Military or Overhead Press, Dips and Pushups. Stick around to the end for the two things you need to be focusing on when pressing, and two bonus exercises to help correct your mistakes long term.
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00:00 - There’s a lot of talking today. But it’s seriously important. 01:56 - The Biggest Mistake EVERYONE makes 03:33 - Why you need to STOP doing this 06:25 - Why is this such a common mistake? Skip this if you want. 07:28 - Watch me Bench Press 140kg at about 75kgs. 9:35 - How to Bench Press - FINALLY! 11:39 - Accessory Exercises for Shoulder Health
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