0:00 - 3:48 Together or not at all - The song of Amy and Rory 3:48 - 4:22 Doctor Who Proms 2013 - 07 The final chapter of Amy Pond 4:22 - 4:47 Together or not at all - The song of Amy and Rory
All rights goes to the BBC Music composed by Murray Gold and orchestred by Ben Foster
Pond,River,Torchwood,Soundtrack,Valeyard,Together or not at all,extended version,the song of amy and rory,amy pond,amelia pond,rory williams,rory pond,Doctor Who series 5,Doctor Who series 6,Doctor Who series 7,Clara Oswald,Peter Capaldi,Doctor Who series 8 trailers,Doctor Who series 9 trailer,amy's theme,Clara's theme,John Smith,The Time Of The Doctor,Regaddy man,Infinite Potential,All I am the doctor in series 5 6 7,The magestic tale,