
An Excellent Spirit - Week 1, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth

An Excellent Spirit - Week 1, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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In the Book of Daniel, Israel is in captivity in Persia under King Darius. In Daniel 6:3 the Word of God says, "Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him and the King thought to set him over the whole realm." This excellent spirit in Daniel and his three friends is also known as faithfulness. Joseph was faithful and David was faithful. In this series we're going to look at faithfulness and it's characteristics. Faithfulness grants promotion from God. All of us would love to be promoted so let's learn what it means to have an excellent spirit...

00:09 Andrew continues a new series called An Excellent Spirit.
00:30 It specifically says that the reason he was promoted was because he had an excellent spirit. (Daniel 6:3)
02:11 In other words, don’t look at it that you are serving other people. But, you are serving Christ. (Ephesians 6:5) It goes on to say, “Not with eye service, as men pleasers….” (Ephesians 6:6) This is so important. There are so many people; there are people watching this program right now. You work for someone else, but you work harder when they’re watching, than when they’re not watching.
03:07 Promotion comes from God. (Psalm 75:6-7) And, if you would do your job heartily, ‘as unto the Lord, and not to men,’ as being a man pleaser (Ephesians 6:7); then you would receive blessings from God. (Ephesians 6:8)
05:48 Boy, this is something that I could just spend days on. I’m hitting this very quickly, but I’m telling you, your attitude determines your altitude.
08:55 And everything turned around, because he had an excellent spirit. He started serving God, instead of serving man. (Ephesians 6:6)
10:48 Instead of getting mad and angry, Paul just took those verses in Ephesians 6:5-8, and said, “God, I’m going to give you my all. I’m going to do things with excellence.” And he just kept doing it. He didn’t get into bitterness and resentment. And he kept supplying these ideas that were getting stolen from him. And, he just did it heartily as unto the Lord, trusting that God was going to promote him.
12:21 I’m telling you brothers and sisters, God wants to prosper every one of you. Again, God may not want you to do what I’m doing. He may not have you on television. He may not have you doing things that reach millions of people, but in the realm where God has planted you, what God wants of you is an excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3). And I guarantee you, He will promote you. You will be blessed.
14:21 God has the potential for every single person. But we’re the ones that choose to have an excellent spirit; an excellent attitude; a faithful heart. We are the ones that choose that. And you can strengthen yourself in this, and you can get to where you have more of an excellent spirit, all of the time.
15:15 If you can’t be faithful. If you can’t have an excellent spirit, when you’re in a small thing, something that seems insignificant, you won’t be faithful. You won’t have an excellent spirit in bigger things. (Luke 16:10) So, I encourage you not to pass over these things, just because they seem to be not real important. They are important. Every single part of it is important.
18:15 Here is the very first thing that I want to point out. That the thing that made them have an excellent spirit is because they never lost their identity of who they really were. They were jews. They had a covenant with God Almighty. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, all of these guys remained faithful to the God of the Jews.
19:19 (Romans 12:2) “…be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind…”
21:20 And if you’re going to have an excellent spirit, I can guarantee you this is one of the things that you’re going to have to do. You’re going to have to find you’re identity in Christ. You’re gonna have to quit being a man pleaser, and do things just the way that the world does.
22:29 God began to start showing me who I was in Christ, what I had in the spirit. It just immediately made me start believing for more when I found out what I had on the inside & links to next video

Andrew Wommack Ministries


Andrew Wommack,Andrew Wommack Ministries,Gospel Truth,Charis,Charis Bible College,Christianity (Religion),Holy Spirit (Deity),God (Deity),Religion (TV Genre),The Gospel,An Excellent Spirit,

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