Honestly though, please just ignore the crap in this video I put it together as fast as possible I wanna upload as much as I can.
Okay so I need fifty dollars rn.
I have 72 but my mother defiantly won't let me spend it.
I'll earn it somehow I swear.
I've just been feeling really depressed today {which is strange bc yesterday I was fine} and I have no idea why. Like, maybe it's just my anxiety acting up or something but I haven't been getting any sleep. My eyes literally hurt I'm so tired. I've felt terrible and like I'm worthless which please understand I don't want attention I'm just saying this because I have no idea why this just happened today.
I used to be depressed because I'm very sensitive to things people say or think about me. If I make one mistake I'm terrified that everyone's going to hate me for some reason. But then I got really happy and started to become very grateful and appreciative for a lot of things but today I feel like it's all starting over.
I know no one reads my desc. so I know no one will comment about it {bc I honestly don't want attention}. I'm only saying these things because I want people to understand that whatever you're going through, I may not know what it is, but I wanna be there to help you. I don't want people to think their worthless when everyone is so amazing.
If you need it, please talk to me. I'll try my hardest to listen and try to understand what you're going through and help you in anyway I can.
I love you so much♥
Song; Joey Pecoraro - To Be Happy