
Biden said three ‘very strange’ things during final presidential debate

Biden said three ‘very strange’ things during final presidential debate Sky News host Paul Murray says Joe Biden said three things which were “frightening, or ludicrous, or just a little bit weird” during the final presidential debate.

US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden went head to head in the final presidential debate in Nashville, clashing over issues such as COVID-19 and the economy.

“Number one, during the coronavirus discussion Biden said that an extra 200,000 people will die before the end of the year,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Peter Gleeson.

“It’s idiots on Twitter who think that Donald Trump is directly responsible for 200,000 people dying in the United States.

“The second very strange moment was when Joe Biden said that ‘yes I’m for transitioning away from the fossil fuel industry and do it sooner rather than later’; put simply there’s more than nine million oil jobs, gas In America is the cheapest it’s been in decades because they don't have to worry about the Saudi's anymore.

“And finally, Joe Biden actually brought up Adolf Hitler, and as we all know the first person to bring up Hitler or the Nazis loses a debate.”


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