How to monitor those activities especially in education environtment?
We are proudly to invite you to join the in Webinar Series #2 Powered by Indonesian Assosiation of Higher Education in Informatics and Computing (APTIKOM) of North Sulawesi which be held on Monday June 29th 2020 at 14.00 (Manado TIme) or 15.00 (Kumamoto Time).
The Depth Levels of Weblog / Eduation Data
Keynote Spekear:
Fajar Purnama, ST., M.Eng., Ph.D. (HICC Lab, Kumamoto University, Japan)
Dr. Eng. Sary Paturusi, ST., M.Eng. (Informatics Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University)
Welcome Speech
Dr. Eng. Luther Latumakulita, S.Si., M.Kom (Head of APTIKOM SULUT, Information System Sam Ratulangi UNiversity)
Quido Kainde, ST., MM., MT (Secretary of APTIKOM SULUT, Informatics Engineering, Manado State University)
Registration link: