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0:00 Dennis Is Here To Touch Lives
2:38 This Episode Is Sponsored By Thinkr
3:47 You Live With Your Mistakes
4:10 Destroying This Decent Society
5:30 Who Abolished Slavery?
6:30 What Idea Lifts People From Poverty?
7:24 “E Pluribus Unum” Is Not Easy
8:40 America, The #1 Immigration Choice
9:30 The Right Doesn’t Destroy For Causes
10:36 Moved By America And The Flag?
21:30 Patriotism And Standing For The Flag
14:59 When Dennis Met A French Waitress
17:20 Many Don’t Realize America’s Value
18:39 America As The Founders Intended
21:30 Dennis’s Book: Still The Best Hope
22:25 Churches Caving To The Left
24:47 Humans The Most Destructive Species?
27:09 The Left Targets People Over Values