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Love handles are deposits of fat found right above the hips, that give you a soft appearance, but unfortunately, they're extremely difficult to get rid of for many people. Men especially struggle with this stubborn problem area because it's one of the first spots that we tend to pack on the fat while also being one of the last spots to release it. And one of the worst things you can do if you want to burn this stubborn fat is a crash diet because diets that require you to heavily restrict typically lead to yo-yo dieting were within a relatively short time frame you give up and regain all the weight. This usually leads to your love handle problem only getting worse, so instead, I want to give you guys 20 simple things that you can start doing today to help reduce the size of your love handles naturally without feeling like your starving yourself. And the very first thing that you'll definitely want to do to make fat loss way easier is to eat a diet full of foods that have a high thermic effect. I think we all know that cutting calories can feel difficult but burning more calories just by prioritizing certain foods is much easier, and it can really contribute quite a bit to your total calorie deficit leading to more fat loss without having to put in a whole lot of effort. The thermic effect of food is essentially the energy that your body requires to breakdown, digest, and assimilate the nutrients from the food that you eat. So to put it simply some foods cost more calories to break down than others, which is a very good thing for fat loss. In general Carbohydrates, and fats will only require 5 to 15 percent of the calories you took in, to digest those macronutrients. However, protein requires 20 to 35 percent of the calories you take in order to digest and process it. (1) This is why you want to make sure that you're eating at least 0.73 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day since it's not only very satiating, and great for helping to build muscle but it also provides a lot fewer net calories than other macronutrients. Now besides eating enough protein, whole natural single ingredient foods, tend to have a higher thermic effect than their processed counterparts, and this is especially true with vegetables, which almost cost as many calories to digest as the number of calories they provide.
On the other hand, something like sugar has one of the lowest thermic effects which is why our second tip is to reduce your sugar intake. Not only is sugar very high in calories for the amount of volume that it'll fill up in your stomach, but eating too much sugar is also specifically linked to central obesity which is essentially storing more fat specifically around your stomach and love handles. Another problem with a diet that's high in sugar is that it increases circulating insulin levels while decreasing insulin sensitivity which causes your body to store more fat and makes it much harder to burn fat previously stored fat. On top of that eating, too much sugar regularly will stimulate your brain in a way that causes you to crave more sugar. It also desensitizes your palate so when you eat naturally sweet-tasting fruits it simply doesn't compare to the stimulation that you get from all the added sugar and high fructose corn syrup in your diet. So not only is sugar very calorie-dense but it...
1. Protein requires significantly more energy to digest than other macrosChart shows a comparison between a high protein meal and a high carb meal see Figure 1
2. "For each 10 g increase in soluble fiber, rate of VAT accumulation decreased by 3.7%"
3. ≤5 h of sleep was related to a greater accumulation of BMI (1.8 kg/m2, P 0.001), SAT (42 cm2, P 0.0001), and VAT (13 cm2, P 0.01), compared to sleep duration between 6 and 7 h.