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A spiritual journey describes the process of a person who sets out to deepen their knowledge, understanding and inner wisdom.
The spiritual journey doesn't mean it has to be a religious journey as most people think, but it is rather a personal and intimate process that provides points of thought and insight about life, in which the path to achieving the goals set at the beginning is paved.
Everyone lives life differently, and this is a result of different backgrounds, experiences, and also different beliefs that we have. No two people have the same life no matter how closely related they may be, and that alone makes the journey of spirituality unique.
So, you can't depend on another person if you want to embark on this journey. But, there are things that you can remember that will help you achieve your goal easily.
🙏 We would like to thank our generous Patreon supporters who make SlightlyBetter possible:
- Patti Harada
- Niki Mate
- Tina Espinoza
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :
"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:
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#SlightlyBetter #Personality #Journey #Spirituality
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