When she meets a suitable young man in life, both her conscious and subconscious mind comes into action to assess the qualities of the man. Verbal and nonverbal communication determine whether she is going to like the man or not.
The importance of choosing the right life partner can not be emphasized enough. She has to choose correctly, intelligently yo avoid future hurts and injuries to self esteem. When the wrong choice is made, then the life of one or both can become an unbearable load on mind and heart.
This video makes an attempt to help in reaching the right decision in choosing a suitable life partner. When her mind, heart and total being approves of the choice, then chances of going wrong diminish greatly.
If the lady is a good human being, then her choices are likely to be favourable to enhance happiness and joy in her life with the partner. This is made possible by listening to her mind and heart in the journey of making the choice of the life partner.