
Baby Bird Hatching | Abandon #Blue Eggs? | @Good Luck

Baby Bird Hatching | Abandon #Blue Eggs? | @Good Luck Two American Robins Have Built a Nest on My Newly Constructed Deck and They Laid Two Eggs, Two Large Blue Eggs! My contractors started to paint the deck and then I did not see the parent birds come back one night. I did not see the birds in the next morning. What will happen?

I will wait for a few days. If the Parents Deserted Their Eggs - Then I have to Take The Nest Down and Hatch Bird Babies Artificially. Should I?

Bird nests symbolize good karma returning to you for your kind intentions and caring, and it rewards you for your good family environment. It is a sign of good luck; bird nest represents stability, health, family growth and a fortunate life. #A Bird Nest Built On the Southeast Side of My New Roofed-Deck It’s a Prophecy of Incoming Wealth#

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