Today I'm flipping through my bullet journal and showing ALL the spreads I made in my Stalogy during the month of April. As much as I love monthly setups, they really aren't an accurate representation of how I use my journal most of the month! So today, I really wanted to give you guys a realistic look at my stalogy so you can ACTUALLY see how I use it every day. I'm also going to be going through some changes that happened in my journal throughout the month, a couple major fails and some favourite supplies. Let me know below how you liked this types of video and if I should do one every month?! INSTAGRAM // @banditandcass
WATCH NEXT // May Plan with Me - Planning in isolation - April plan with me - B6 stalogy bullet journal setup - Everything you need to know about stalogy notebooks - 2020 planner lineup -
SUPPLIES // My Journal // B6 Stalogy in a Gillio Undyed B6 Appunto For more info about my notebook, check out this video! Stalogy In Depth Review: Muji 0.5 retractable gel pen Tombow Fudenosuke hard tip brush pen
Make sure to subscribe! Big thanks to Joey Pecoraro for the amazing tunes ⚡️