
A Global Fintech Company Empowering the Commercial EV Industry in China 這家全球性金融科技公司如何助力中國的商用電動車行業?

A Global Fintech Company Empowering the Commercial EV Industry in China 這家全球性金融科技公司如何助力中國的商用電動車行業? Are you aware of how big China's commercial #EV electric vehicles market is? What opportunities are there for a #fintech service provider like #Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) for this market? NAI500's president Gilbert Chan spoke with Mr. Alf Poor, the CEO of the New York and China-based company, to get some updates of Ideanomics's plans for 2020.

您是否知道中國的商用電動汽車市場有多大?像Ideanomics(NASDAQ:IDEX)這樣的金融科技服務提供商在這個市場上有哪些機會? NAI500的總裁陳德佳先生日前採訪了Ideanomics的首席執行官Alf Poor先生,想藉此機會為投資者們介紹一下這家總部位於紐約且在中國有分部的金融科技公司在2020年有哪些最新的計劃和進展。

What opportunities does Ideanomics see in the Chinese market? Why did Ideanomics choose to land their business in Qingdao, Shandong and Inner Mongolia instead of other regions in China? With China's economy reopening in the current global COVID-19 pandemic situation, does Ideanomics stand to benefit ? Check out this interview now!

Ideanomics在中國市場看到了哪些機會?為什麼Ideanomics選擇在山東青島和內蒙古而不是在中國其他地區開展業務?在當前全球 COVID-19新冠疫情大流行形勢下,隨著中國經濟的重新開放,Ideanomics將如何受益?立即查看此採訪了解Ideanomics帶來怎麼樣的投資機會!

About Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX)

Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) is focusing on monetizing the adoption of commercial electric vehicles, associated energy consumption, and developing next generation financial services and Fintech products. Its electric vehicle division, Mobile Energy Global (MEG) provides financial services and incentives for commercial fleet operators, including group purchasing discounts and battery buy-back programs, in order to acquire large-scale customers with energy needs which are monetized through pre-paid electricity and EV charging offerings.

More information about Ideanomics, please visit

Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) 簡介

Ideanomics(NASDAQ:IDEX)致力於商用電動車領域及其相關的能源消耗,開發下一代金融服務和金融科技產品 。其電動車部門Mobile Energy Global(MEG)為商業車隊運營商提供金融服務和激勵措施,包括團體購買折扣和電池回購計劃,以獲取具有能源需求的大客戶,並通過預付費使其電力和電動車充電服務獲得盈利。


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NAI500的「CEO來了」訪談系列是一項新的計劃,我們邀請具有增長潛力的公司的CEO或高管們進行採訪, 這將為觀眾提供一個很好的機會,使他們可以更快更直接地獲取這些公司的信息和更新。不想錯過我們帶來的投資機會嗎?快點訂閱我們的YouTube頻道和底部的其他社交媒體頻道吧!

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CEO Interview,NAI500,Investment Opportunity,Fintech,Fintech Services,Fintech Products,China Commercial EV market,China EV market,EV,Electric Vehicles,Electric Cars,EV market,Qingdao Shandong,Inner Mongolia,NASDAQ stock,NASDAQ,Ideanomics,IDEX,Commercial Electric Vehicles,New Yord-based,China-based,COVID-19,China Economy Reopen,CEO採訪,投資機會,金融科技,金融科技服務,金融科技產品,中國商業電動車市場,中國電動車市場,電動車,電動車市場,山東青島,內蒙古,納斯達克股票,納斯達克交易所,商用電動車,紐約公司,中國公司,新冠疫情,中國經濟重開,

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