Session 4: Business Decisions: Smart, Difficult, Necessary . Prevailing Within A Black Swan Event: COVID-19 Strategy Series for Dentists. Brought to you by (g)nathos, inc and Pediatric Dental Directions this is the fourth session on how dentists can prevail during this unprecedented and difficult time. Moderator Dr. Gerry Samson is joined by business and clinical experts Michael Schwartz, Gay Lowry, Drs. Rob Delarosa, Larry Jerrold with panelists Drs. Martha Ann Keels, Bobby Elliott, and Philip Slonkosky for a panel discussion centering business and human resource strategies. As we move with these difficult times how will your business model adapt for short and long-term success?
Dentists,pediatric,Covid-19,Business human resources,gnathos,education,strategies,samson,gerry samson,orthodontics,dentistry,recovery,virus,pediatric dentist,pediatric dentistry,Michael schwartz,delarosa,lowry,consulting,Martha Ann keels,pediatric dental directions,bobby elliott,Robert elliott,Phil slonkosky,Larry jerrold,gay lowry,Gerry Samson,Gerald Samson,American academy of pediatric dentistry,Aapd,AAO,American association of orthodontists,business,