Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
LONDON REAL David icke interview
5g whistle blower. plenty of PDF reports on the dangers written BH scientists who are not mainstream ( Don't work for cabal and the satanic agenda ,are not liars like main stream scientists )
Doctors call for 5g due to it being dangerous for health
YouTube removes Real evidence of the 5g dangers, new world order ,vaccines etc they play dirty while we play fairly . They have removed quite a few videos from many channels exposing the planned genocide of the human race . They hide this evidence from you all with the intent to help murder you .Not all of us burn down 5g masts some of us work within the law like myself, although I can understand why many would be angry enough to burn down 5g towers considering they are dangerous to all life . In future I will be creating a bitchute channel and will no longer be using this satanic ridden YouTube site ,truth cannot be posted here without it being removed crafily behind my back . Now everybody needs to ask themselves why would they do that? Could it be they are desperately trying to remove evidence ? Of course it is ! Stuff YouTube ,I will create a website and use bitchute in future . YouTube is run by Satanists and is not a place for truth only trash videos that promote sin after sin .