Switching off lights might affect power grid.
Power Minister Nitin Raut on Friday said in case all lights are suddenly switched off on Sunday night as mooted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there is a possibility of the power grid being affected.
In a video message released on Friday night, Mr. Raut said the lockdown has changed the equation between power generation and supply. “At present, Maharashtra’s power demand has come down to 13000 MW from 23000 MW. Industrial load is zero. Only emergency and domestic demand is being served. In case of sudden drop in demand, as will happen if people switch off the lights at a single moment, power stations may go on high frequency. It could result in feeder trippings in the grid,” he said.
The Minister said power failure in a State like Maharashtra with huge demand may lead to multi-State grid failure, disrupting power supply across the country. “It takes 12 to 16 hours to restore power supply in that case,” he said. Mr. Raut appealed to citizens to light lamps and candles by keeping tube lights on. “This will ensure proper functioning of the grid and uninterrupted power supply,” he said.