
Part 5 - Conscious and Ethical Responsibility

Part 5 - Conscious and Ethical Responsibility It’s time for us to take individual and collective responsibility when it comes to what we buy and how we want to shape our economy in the ‘new’ normal.

It’s time to consider our actions and our complicity in slave labour and the destruction of this planet. Blaming big business doesn’t change anything and neither does waiting for someone/our government to ‘fix’ it. They haven’t so far. They are just as complicit, as they are constantly asking us to spend our hard earned money to boost the economy, which is funny because I feel like that’s all we ever hear - so I ask you if it was working for you before?
WE HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE CHANGE. With every ethical and conscious choice we make moving forward.

Now is the perfect time to check in and ask ourselves what truly brings us happiness, joy and pleasure - I ask you to feel into what you are missing most right now in isolation? As there lies the answer. ✨
When purchasing something, I ask you to check in to your heart and body (not the mind) and ask what need this purchase will fulfill? What need is possibly not being met on the inside which is causing you to reach outside of yourself. Will it bring you what you need in the long term? Or when this is over, will it just be another item added to the decluttering pile.

There are products that can bring us joy and pleasure, when you discover what those are, I encourage you to be conscious of the implications of that purchase and investigate the company you are buying from to find out if they are ethical to people and our planet. Never assume as businesses can be tricky with advertising.

Big business have much to answer for but so do we as consumers. They may mesmerize, hypnotize and manipulate us to believe that what they have to offer will make us happy, fulfill needs that are not being met and make our life ‘easier’ but we are the ones who take this as truth, purchase and continue to create demand and perpetuate the cycle. It’s time for us to WAKE UP and be AWARE of what they and we are doing and make better choices for ourselves, our fellow human beings and this beautiful planet.

#howtobe #covid19help #responsibility #ethicalchoices #conciouschoices #wakeup #awareness #consumerism #savetheplanet #endslavery #power #change #knowyourtruth #standupforwhatisright #happiness #joy #pleasure #isolation #heart #body #ego #unmetneeds #conditioning #mindfulness #presentmoment #practice #journaling #movement #decluttering #listentoyourheart #listentoyourbody


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