
MUST HEAR - SHEMA - God Yeshua Will Appear To YOU! 'Counting The Omer' Messianic Zev Porat Explains

MUST HEAR - SHEMA - God Yeshua Will Appear To YOU! 'Counting The Omer'  Messianic Zev Porat Explains
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Here is an example of a prayer that you can pray or you can pray to Jesus / Yahushua with whatever is on your heart in repentance to Him. Tell Him you need Him and you are sorry for the sin the you have committed. Whatever you pray to Jesus MAKE SURE YOU MEAN IT WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART! These are not magic words you have to MEAN THEM, and you have to continue in repentance of sin and relationship (Talking to Jesus) with your Lord and Savior EVERY DAY not just once.

Father, I acknowledge that You are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. I am thankful for the victorious work of Your Son, Yahushua / Jesus, at Calvary for me. I am sorry for my sin and I turn away from it now by the power of your Holy Spirit and of the shed blood of your son Jesus (YAHushua) I claim His victory over death, hell and sin for myself now as I willingly surrender every area of my life to Your will.
Thank you for the forgiveness and righteousness that has been given to me as Your adopted child. I trust in Your protection and provision daily. I know that your love for me never ceases. I rejoice in Your victory Lord, over all the principalities and powers in the heavenlies. In faith I stand in Your victory and commit myself to live obediently for You my King.
I desire that my fellowship with You becomes greater. Reveal to me those things that grieve You and enable the enemy to secure an advantage in my life. I need the Holy Spirit's powerful ministry in my life; bringing conviction of sin, repentance of heart, strengthening my faith and increasing perseverance in resisting every kind of temptation.
Help me to die to self and walk in the victory of the new creation. You have provided for me. Let the fruits of the Spirit flow out of my life so that You will be glorified. I know that it is Your will that I should stand firm and resist all of the enemy's work against me.
Help me to discern the attacks upon my thoughts and emotions. Enable me to stand upon Your Word and resist all the accusations, distortions or condemnations that may be hurled against me. It is my desire to be transformed through the renewing of my mind, so that I will not compromise with the ways of the world, or yield to the enemy's attacks, but be obedient to Your will.
I draw upon those spiritual resources that You have provided me and I come against the strongholds and plans of the enemy that have been put in place against me. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that the enemy must release my mind, will, emotions and body completely. They have been yielded to the Lord and I belong to Him.
Lord, enable me to become the person You created me to be. Help me as I pray to be strong in faith. Show me how to apply Your Word in my life each day. I know that I wear the full armor of God when I am committed to and stand firmly upon Your Word. I want You to have supreme place in my life.
I surrender myself completely to You, Lord. You are always faithful and You extend Your grace to me constantly, even when I do not realize it. I claim Your promise of forgiveness and cleansing in its fullness. In faith, I receive the victory today that you have already put in place for me. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior with a grateful heart. Thank you Yahushua / Jesus! I Love you Yahushua / Jesus!

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