
Modifications and points to consider with lower back injuries (such as SI joint)

Modifications and points to consider with lower back injuries (such as SI joint) To Consider:

1) Asymmetrical Movements (twists, forward bends & backbends)

2) You can do 1) properly by understanding your flexibility and not going beyond that (which will tie and pull into your lower back)

3) Scrunching your shoulders

4) Being mindful of your energy levels at the start of practise

5) Alignment (are your feet straight, are you knees beyond your ankles)

6) The further you posture is from the core the more you might injure the lower back so use Support (dowel, the wall)

7) Do not hold postures or be weary of postures when lifting one side of the body only

8) Work your core progressively (ensuring your do low intensity movements for building the core)

9) Be present, listen to where your body is and feel if there are any niggles or pains and modify accordingly


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